Background: #fff
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Error: #f88
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
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<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
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.messageToolbar {display:block; text-align:right; padding:0.2em;}
#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}

.tiddlerPopupButton {padding:0.2em;}
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* html #backstage {width:99%;}
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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
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<div class='toolbar' role='navigation' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
"Holocaust" originally means: a (religious) offering by burning in fire.
Originally this would have been a purification ritual; such as the burning of the dead, or their infected or infested clothing, and the burning of fields 'infested with vermin', and the burning of debris.
In some traditions, 'ceremonial burning' is a part of [[Religion]]/symbolism.

"Holocaust" however is also used to describe "Mass Murder" for 'Ethnic Extermination'.
This is associated with a much publicised notion of "Extermination Camp Gassings".
This actually refers to the Labour Camps, operated using American Holerith ('IBM') Administration tools.
These camps housed low-cost forced-labour workers for large industrial corporations.

The Labour Camps were created to ensure the availability of cheap labour force for the large industries.
It would be contrary to their financial interests to 'exterminate' the work force that they depended on.
In the Nazi Concentration camps, food supply for the workers was destroyed by Allied Forces near the end of the war.
This resulted in famine, weakness, disease and an epidemic of tuberculosis, killing many of the slave labourers.

[[Catholic Inquisition]]
[[Catholic Conquistadores]]
[[Communist Holodomor]]
[[Communist Gulag]]
[[Nazi Holocaust]]
[[Roosevelt Rhine Meadows Murders]]
[[Israeli Gaza Strip]]

Mqny people have difficulty imagining 4 Dimensions.
That is because they seek the 4^^th^^ dimension //beyond// the 3^^rd^^ dimension.
In fact, the 4^^th^^ Dimension is before the 1^^st^^ Dimension: the 0^^th^^ Dimension.
With that understanding, the whole logic of4D transformations falls in place.
1) doing something by intent; 2) pretense of doing something

1) soing something with intent, 2) description of an intent

An actor is someone who does something out-of-connection with own conviction.
The word acting thus has two very different, actually opposite meanings.

Acting, can mean doing something for a specific result.
Acting can also mean: being seen to do something.
Acting as refering to an actual act implies volition and intent.
Acting as referring to a pretence act implies intentional deception.

This is the difference between Sujective In tent and Objective Appearance.
(This is what causes many difficulties in judicial and legal systems (termonology).)

Belief causes many problems in science, religion, politics and trade.
Beliefs exist as faith, convictions and superstitions.
Belief exist as realisations held as-if reality, 'real'.
Yet beliefs are but realisations based on decisions.

1) Freedom of Coice => 2) Decisions => 3) Beliefs => 4) Reflex
“The people who pooh-pooh Conspiracy Theory, are the ones engaged in Conspiracy practice”.

‘Culture’ often is held to be the same a a society operating ‘under’ ‘Law’.
This refers to a shift in ‘authority’ away from people to ‘book keeping’.
This started with/in the tradition of the (Babylonian) book-based-religions.
And led to 1) People, 2) Writing, 3) Reckoning, and 4) Decisions.

1)	Starting point is ALWAYS : People
2)	Second phase is often writ (writing): ‘laws’
3)	Third phase is calculation (reckoning): ‘taxation’
4)	Fourth comes the decision taking based on Quantities, not Qualities.

Dehumanisation arises when people are treated as-if ‘objects’.
Philip Zimbardo described the dehumanisation of humans, by humans.
His researched looked at systematic abuse of people by people.
The same four principles are described there as:

1)	Anonymisation
2)	Generalisation
3)	Abstraction
4)	Domination

Religions try to control the belief of people, thus the narrative of a culture.
Taxation tries to dominate the values of a people, by limiting its means.

Type the text for 'Dependency'

Devil = d'Evil = the [[EVIL]] = LIVE spelled-backwards

It is //people// doing Evil.
Consciously/intentionally, when they feel disrespected.
Subconsciously/semi-intentionally when they feel confused.
Unconsciously/unintentionally when they react from unresolved traumatic memories of their past.

:"Angel" = helpful reflex
:"Devil" = reactivation of unresolved traumatic memories
:"Purgatory" = defensive emotional charge around suppressed/repressed traumatic memories.
:"Hell" = unresolved traumatic/dramatic memory

>"Diabolical" = breakthrough action,
>from a repressed trauma cache,
>triggered by conditions of the past,
>activated in the present.

become Devils
when their old unresolved issues
are retriggered by conditions in the present.

This is called: "hurt people, hurt people".
When people trigger each other's 'unresolved traumatic issues',...
...this can lead to a continuous trauma reflex cycle.
This is called [[Wetiko]].
Equality before the law does NOT mean that people are 'Equal'.
It simply means that the law is applied to all people equally.
Rather, that that is the intent(ion) of the application of law.
In practice,  law discriminates between people inside or outside of law.

Law is a convention (an agreement) and thus has its jurisdiction.
The intent of the law is by the consent of people in a community.
The jurisdiction of the law only applies to the land those people inhabit.
The laws to NOT apply to the planet, nor to other lifeforms of people.

That is why law is always, by definition, segregated (discriminate).
The first rule of law is to rule of law does (not) apply; in any case.
If you are not part of the people that created the law, it does not apply to you.
If you are not inhabitant of the territory of jurisdiction, the law does not apply.

Purgatory is a 'Gory Story'.
But remember: Humans created all these problems.
Humans vcan likewise resolve all these problems.
What is described here is the collection of Childhood diseases of humanity; they can be cured.
Government is ill-understood, throughout humanity, throughout th e ages; so it seems.
"Govern" is a word that refers to the steering of a ship; and determining its course.
Many nations are nowadays regarded and operated as-if a ship (a.k.a. a '[[Corporation]]').
This belies that nations are not objects ('ships') but groups of conscious/aware people.

It is necessary to reconsider the whole notion of 'Government'; and to redefine it.
Social organisation is NOT to be based on "Government", but on "Self-Government".
"Self-Government" describes that people determine their own lives, together.
But also that they therein do NOT infringe on the Freedom of Choice of pothers.

This definition requires explanation: in fact a series of explanations.
It requires the understanding of the general principle of Freedom of Choice.
It also requires the understanding of the use of Freedom of Choice.
And it requires understanding of the levels of consciousness, and consequences.

Consciousness is defined by different levels of complexity with/in our environment.
There are 4 main levels of consciousness; corresponding with 4 main forms of involvement.
These involvement levels apply not only to our environment (Earth) but also to others (Humanity).
This means that (Self)Government too must operate in these 2x4 levels of complexity.

- - -

Government supposedly is “a process, operating by a procedure, by which groups of people can come to common decisions”.
This Definition implies that no human IS ‘government’; and that ‘governments’ are not ‘human’.
Indeed, that explains why governments can be inhuman, and inhumane.
The following addresses why groups of people can be very irresponsible; and ‘unconscious’.

The problems of Governments of societies of humanity lie in group formation.
In many cases the means for social organisation are confused with the methods for social organisation.
Money has seemingly replaced political decision making; but it is NOT a political system..
Voting is presented as if a political action, but it is NOT.

Laws are proposed as the foundation for state politic, but they are NOT.
Voting becomes ‘legal’ only when people can determine the choices AND the options.
Laws become lawful only of people themselves decide to create and abide by them.
Money becomes valid only if people themselves create and uphold its value.

Government must always be self-government – otherwise it is slavery.
Most of the government systems are systems for enslavement.
That is by definition the case wherever there is a ‘Central Bank’.
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'

[[Equality before the Law]]
We all learn by Trial & Errors.
We all need to lean that we operate with/in/by Blind Spots.
As long as we do not realise that we will 'trip over our blind spots'.
That is where we self-sabotage ourselves and each other; as humans, and as Humanity.
'Membership' describes '__being participant in a group__'.
As the word implies, a Member (or Limb) is NOT part of the Core of the Body.
As is often implied; 'losing a Member' is NOT as crucial as 'losing your Body'.
In that sense, group Membership indicates an attached, but not crucial, form of Belonging...
Europeans migrated by the millions to other continents and nations made much of the world white.
Slaver transported millions of Africans to other continents making them black.
Refugees from Muslim countries are guided into Europe, making it brown.
Worldwide Chinese have migrated to set up business making it yellow.

The common denominator is not the races but the migration.
With as driving motive belief, in the form of poverty or religion.
Purgatory is our Job on the 'Dung Heap'.
This is the Unfinished Business, that our Elders left behind.
These are the Unresolved Issues that we (you, and me) are (NOT) Facing.
''Below you find a list of Errors that we must (learn to) Correct''.

There are 4 types of Laws, in this reality.
We are defined by all of these; we are created 'by them'.
These are of a fundamentally different kind than 'our laws'.
Human-made laws are no more than agreements for conduct between people.
| Cosmic law | Natural Law | Laws of the Sea | Laws of thee Land |
| Universe | Earth | Resources | Territory |
| Creation | Transformation | Circulation | Situation |
| [[Earth]] | [[Life]] | [[Humanity]] | [[Value]] |
When humans do not understand these Natural Laws, they become perverted.
Instead of enhancing what exists, what humans do goes against it.
Thic backfires for both Humans, and their environment.
That means it will also backfire on Humans in/and Humanity.

[[Gory Story]]

[[Prison Planet]]
[[Corporation Nations]]
[[Land Theft]]
[[Identity Theft]]

[[Illegal Laws]]

[[Equality before the Law]]

[[No Place in the Inn]]
Money is a fiction; a superstition and a drug – for the enslavement of societies.
It is necessary to understand how money is created, and its value is destroyed.
Money has nothing to do with values; it is in itself a quantity without quality.
Behind money lies a system of hidden contracts, where people parasitise off people.

Understand that money is made out of nothing; a fiction created out of nothing.
Money as a fiction has power only because it is a hidden contract, under hidden laws.
As soon as people create their own money, that ‘hidden power’ (enslavement) stops.
The whole of humanity will thereby be re-impowered; by people’s of power/authority.

Money SOURCE, is the foundation: how money is created.
VERTICAL money is the creation of a contract by a bank.
HORIZONTAL money is the secondary exchange between people.
Money SINK, is every action that (un)intentionally destroys money.

Money flows can be modelled by radio diagrams used in electronic design.
Vertical Money can be represented by (Energy) Resistors in the diagrams.
Horizontal money can be represented by a (Time) Coil in those diagrams.
Capacitors/Condensers represent the (money) losses/gaps within the system.

Source money, is the creation of a myth; the lie of the fabrication of money.
Money in itself is ‘scrap metal and scrap paper’ – no more than an illusion.
Realise that ‘money’ requires the principles behind the creation of superstition.
But beware: it operates by the principle of enslavement and addiction.

Vertical Money is created by anyone borrowing money from a bank.
Money banks hold the monopoly of the creation/distribution of money.
Governments impose the use of money via the imposition of taxation.
Religions recapitulate the belief in dependency, on abstractions, in many forms.

Horizontal money exists only ‘between believers’; as dependents and co-dependents.
The exchange between people; are transaction subject to rules beyond their control.
The exchanges between people are meaningless as long as they do not control the values.
In that sense the money transactions between people are without merit and without value.

Money wastage is inevitable when people cannot determine the value of their own money.
Basically it shows that money ‘out of nothing’ will be lost/wasted ‘back tp nothing’.
That is the only ultimate value of money: nothing.
It is no more than a symbol, of the values of humans beyond their understanding.

Source Money, the 1st step, has very little to do with money as coins of credit/debit.
It is the creation of the belief of domination and subjugation of people, by people.
It belies the notion that the people who use the money are the only ones that create value.

Vertical Money
'Parthenogenesis' = Virgin Birth
Purgatory – PharaoJudeoChrIstlam
The history of ‘religion’ of ‘the West’ starts in Egypt (and before).
The political system (= ‘Population Control’) ‘treated people like cattle’.
John DeMeo described the politics in his book “SaharAsia”.
It deals with the relationship between Desert Tribes and Delta Tribes.

The same story is described also in the tale of “Cain and Abel”.
Therein too, the Desert Tribes (Cain) fight with (Abel) the Desert Tribe.
(The ‘historical’ version falsifies the outcome (a typical political issue).)
Likewise the tribes were ‘(de-/im)personified’ by “Osiris” and “Seth”.

“Osiris”, the ‘god’ of the Delta Tribe represents fertility and union.
“Seth”, the ‘god’ of the Desert Tribes represents barrenness and isolation.
The concept of ‘heat’ and ‘isolation’ later was called “hell’.
The notion of ‘abundance’ and ‘symbiosis’ was called “heaven”.

That means that “God” and “Devil” are the same being: abstractions.
God stands for the beneficial aspects of life; the lush river delta life.
Devil stands for the harsh aspects of survival: the barren desert void.
Life on Earth has BOTH aspects: the lush life AND strife for survival.

Western Religion must be traced back to its original roots.
Islam followed from Christianity following from Judaism.
Judaism, by its own accounts, originated in/from “Pharaonism”.
Thus Pharaonic cultural belief must be understood as the basis of the belief systems of the ‘West”.

There is NO seeming conflict between the JudeoChrisIstlam religions.
They all share the same god; which they all call the ONE god.
In fact, they all believe in TWO GODS: “God”, and “Devil”.
This internal rift within each religion; reverberates back out ‘between’ them.

''Political Power''

Many people in many nations are being terrorised by their own people.
Often this is in  the form of religious or political or military or financial systems.
Always it is by the belief that people believe in, that they repress fellow people.
The ultimate means of repression is by people believing in the beliefs of others.

Military might has no power if people are not willing to use force against other people.
Political might exists only due to people making laws to disempower other people.
Religious power lies only in the withholding of support for other people.
Financial power exists only due to the imposition of taxation, and withholding of free access to Earth.

Belief determines the behaviour of people.
The conflict between people which is seen in their actions, stems from beliefs.
Beliefs themselves however are never the motive or motivation ('leading to action').
Beliefs always are the result of Decisions (for (non)Involvement), based on freedom of Choice.

There are many religios proclaiming that they believe in the one-and-only-god.
As they all agree on dealing with the one-and-only god, that god must be the same.
This immediately negates all the so-called differences in beliefs between them.
This example serves to show that the beliefs that people believe in are not decisive.

"Power is amplified by ignorance/stupidity/denial/beliefs".
Every time there is a shift of level of consciousness, information is lost.
While information is lost, the effect remains: moving people by reflex by belief.
The more people live in dependence, the less they have conscious freedom of choice.

How this works is seen in our body, mind, society and humanity.
At each next level of complexity, the way information is processed is different.
That too, we see in our body: sensory cells, neurones, nervous plexus, and brain.
These, respectively, represent a 0D Point, 1D Line, 2D Plane and 3D Volume.

We see the same logic in individuals in relationships in groups in humanity.
Each next stage of information propagation uses a different level of encoding.
Because at each next level, specific conditions pre-exist, and can be used.
It is the essence of information compression, and decoding, as used in living beings.

Whatever happens in humanity, must first happen in humans; in human cells.
Politicians, priests, businessmen, bankers and such do not exist; only people acting those roles.
Governments, religions, corporations and banks do not exist; only people acting on those beliefs.

In using Freedom of Choice we ALWAYS interact with the unknown.
That cannot be avoided; and learning only helps to enlarge the Known.
But like an horizon moving along witch each step, the unknown journeys with us.
Although we can strive to enlarge the scope of what we know; by growing in learning.

There will we moments that we will still step into our Blind Spot or overstep out Attention Span.
Then we will be immediately 'back to Zero'; confronted with our own ignorance.
People are able to help each other to prevent that; 'the heavenly solution.
Or people instead prey on each other to exploit that; the hellish solution.
We all have things to hide; by definition.
Of course we have things to hide, in principle.
We all hide things, precisely because we have a hide.
Our hide, our skin, separates us, from everything else.

Within our hide, we all have freedom of choice.
By definition, our hide marks the boundary between Us and Them.
The boundary is simultaneously our Separation, and our Connection.
Within our hide We have Freedom of Choice; outside of our hide, They do.

We need freedom of Choice; which operates within our hide.
Because we all have to discover our personal uniqueness; as creators in creation.
There, we will always be different from all others, and ‘not understood’.
Therefore it is not possible to say that ‘people have nothing to hide, and can be spied upon”.

Quite the contrary: the spying on other people is done by those who are hiding something.
Specifically, they tried to hide that they were spying on all other people.
Being caught out in this, they say “if you have nothing to hide, we are free to spy”.
But they themselves hid that they spied, and that they thinks they have rights that others ‘do not’.

In fact, all people have the same right to privacy and secrecy.
Everybody needs to make up their own mind.
But people must also respect freedom of choice of all others.
Thus people cannot secretly spy on others; because therein they disrespect Freedom of Choice.

All people have things to hide, and need to be able to hide those things.
They are entitled to their own property – massive legislation claims that.
They likewise are entitled to their own (‘crazy’) thoughts (on which they do not act).
They cannot act on crazy thoughts; and cannot claim their own what is in fact of Earth.
The word "''Religion''" derives from the Latin word "//Religare//": Re-bind = Re-join = Re-connect.
In many cases this is  presented as (if) it refers to a re-connection to '[[god]]' (a 'creator'/'maker'/'master'/'ruler').
In most cases "Religions' operate.(often explicitly manipulate) [[Beliefs]] (of others); thence [[Behaviour]] and [[Conduct]].
Religions are social groups/activities, focused on  the creation/conditioning of [[Consensus]]; thus of [[Consciousness]].

Religious groups - as all social groups - have [[Membership]] (with criteria/[[Rules]] for selection/exclusion).
Group consensus is conditioned by Group [[Practices]] - Group [[Conduct]] and Group [[Rituals]].
The [[Practices]] are usually related to [[Policies]] (and [[Politeness]), and thus to [[Politics]] (and [[Policing]]).
Members of such groups consider this as (if) [[Normal]]), and 'reject' non-consensus ([[Abnormal]]) [[Behaviour]] And "[[Others]]".

Religions are Groups of [[People]], operating a shared [[Belief]] in the form of common [[Behaviour]]/[[Comportment]]/[[Conduct]]..
[[Belief]] is - by definition - an Un-conscious //Ideation// (a set of related unconscious [[Idea(l)s]] in individuals).
The people who hold the unconscious beliefs, are usually also unconscious of how/why they maintain them.
In many cases those unconscious beliefs were Created/Instilled/Maintained/Enforced by (trained) others.

In many/most cases the communication of the Belief is used as token of adherence to  the belief.
This is a prerequisite for the usual sequel: that people overtly act on the expressed shared belief.
Some of those beliefs are "technically impossible" (such as 'a //son// of a [[Virgin Mother]] (= oxymoron)).
Such 'beliefs' merely serve to test for the belief/faith/gullibility/subservience of the 'believers'.

This is also the difference between a Religion, a Political System, a Philosophy, and a Social System.
Religions operate Beliefs (via Dogma); whereas Political Parties operate Idea(l)s (via Statements).
Philosophies operate understanding (via Stories) and Social Systems operate shared activities (via Laws).
Each group regards its ' instrument'(Dogma/Statement/Stories) as (if) (the basis for) "[[Laws]]'.

The world religions all operate the same fundamental principles for social (conduct) manipulation.
All present the concept of a [[god]] as (if) a 'universal' 'super-human' creator and (in fact) [[Master]].
All require an initiation - participation in a ritual for the acquisition of group membership.
All require adherence to group rules (created by a few group members) or risk expulsion from the group.

Religions were important in all conditions where people depended upon each other for (group) survival.
Collective/Group Behaviour would at times be required to ensure survival of the whole group.
Examples are taking measures against floods, or dealing with attacks of seasonal (Viking) raiders.
In such cases the death of individuals in the group effort was 'required' for the benefit of group survival.

Most large societies operate these underlying principles/concepts of such ''Religion''s.
They replaced Dogma by [[Law]], and often replaced [[Initiation]] by ([[Registration]] of) Birth.
The imposition of belief in the Dogma has in most v=cases been replaced by (State) [[Education]].
In most cases the "[[State Religion]]" has been replaced by the ''Religion'' of the [[State]].

The most well-known religions are that of the tribes of Juda, and the ensuing C(h)ristian and Islam derivatives.
The Judean, Christian and Islam ''Religion''s have a share origin, a shared core belief and s shared 'technology'.
(The technique of manipulation/conditioning/instilling/creating Beliefs, is a mental/magical method/technology.)
The practice of mass manipulation has been performed/perfected over centuries, and is now endemic in '[[The West]]'

The following books formed the foundation for this Essay/Thesis/finding:

Bertalanffy, L von () General Systems Theory, as expounded by Cees Schònfeld.

Langhaar, D () Dimensional Analysis

Young, AM () The Geometry of Meaning

The findings presented in this Essay were already implied in their publications.
"Sin" has as its original meaning "//missing the mark//".
If you shot an arrow astray from the target, you "sinned".
Nowadays, it is called "//Making a mistake/error//".
As shown by Cybernetics: ''we learn from/by making mistakes''.

Sin is not something to be avoided.
Sin is best nor repeated.
Sin needs to be discussed so others too can learn from it.
We can learn from each other's mistakes, as well as from our own.
Learn from (y)our Errors
'State Religion' describes a (con)fusion of Religion with State.
Both [[Religion]] and [[State]] are forms of social (group) organisation.
In a __Religion__, [[Priest]]s define the [[Law]]s for the other group members.
In a __State__, [[Politician]]s define the [[Law]]s for the other group members.

A "State Religion" implies that Politicians define Laws compliant with Laws defined by Priests.
This means that the members of the Religion wil (over)rule the members of the state, always.
It also means that the open [political discourse is determined by a hidden religious discourse.
That is also the case when "[[Secret Societies]]" determine the decisions of politicians.
(Y)Our ancestors left us a mess to clean up...
All living beings have [[Freedom of Choice]].
Some people abuse that to deny/deprive others of their Free Choice.
Negating Freedom of choice is possible, by Freedom of choice; negating freedom of choice in other living beings is a [[Crime against Life]].

Yes, this is a "//Story of Good and Evil//".
EVIL = LIVE spelled backward.
It is always about Good AND Evil.
As long as there is (d')Evil to be seen Good =/= [[God]] (the way the uniVerse works').

[[Gory Story]]

[[Prison Planet]]
[[Corporation Nations]]
[[Land Theft]]
[[Identity Theft]]

[[Illegal Laws]]




This 4D table summaruses the essence of this Essay/Thesis/Logic.
All Rows in this table convey the same Essence.

| 0D | 1D | 2D | 3D |
| point | line | plabe | volume |
| Phase | Shock Wace | Travelling wave | Srabdi g Wave |
| Photon-leap |  ekectron-leap | electrkn-oscillation | electron-bonding |
| Creation | Transformation | Process | State |
We all have things to hide; by definition.
Of course weh have things to hide, in principle.
We sll hide things, precisely because we have a hide.
Our hide, our skin, separates us, from everything else.

Within our hide, we all have freedom of choice.
By definition, our hide marks the boundary between Us and Them.
The boundary is simultaneously our Separation, and our Connection.
Within our hide We have Freedom of Choice; outside of our hide, They do.

We need freedom of Choice; which operates within our hide.
Because we all have to discover our personal uniqueness; as creators in creation.
There, we will always be different from all others, and ‘not understood’.
Therefore it is not possible to say that ‘people have nothing to hide, and can be spied upon”.

Quite the contrary: the spying on other people is done by those who are hiding something.
Specifically, they tried to hide that they were spying on all other people.
Being caught out in this, they say “if you have nothing to hide, we are free to spy”.
But they themselves hid that they spied, and that they thinks they have rights that others ‘do not’.

In fact, all people have the same right to privacy and secrecy.
Everybody needs to make up their own mind.
But people must also respect freedom of choice of all others.
Thus people cannot secretly spy on others; because therein they disrespect Freedom of Choice.

All people have things to hide, and need to be able to hide those things.
They are entitled to their own property – massive legislation claims that.
They likewise are entitled to their own (‘crazy’) thoughts (on which they do not act).
They cannot act on crazy thoughts; and cannot claim their own what is in fact of Earth.
This section of this project addresses Unresolved Issues.
These are topics that we can, and need to, learn from (alone and together(.
They can be compared to “the Story of the Job on the Dung Heap”.
The “Law of the Garden(er)” applies:

“If you have a pile of shit, piss on it, and the manure will turn into compost,
then the undigested seeds will sprout and grow and bloom and bear fruit”.
One of the elements of Purgatory is the notion of Government.
For this topic the U$A is presented as an example.

The $ stands for SS, or ϞϞ; showing that U$A is USSA like USSR.
It will become clear that the U$A and UϞϞR were created by the same people.
The (Political/People) manipulation represented by “U$A” requires an understanding of Money.
Money is a superstition, thus a religion, based on the manipulation of (individual/collective) Belief.

Belief (or Conviction) is the consequence of the creation of decisions; by yourself, or by others.
Manipulation of belief (Religion/Mind Control) has been done for thousands of years already.
Money is not just a Superstition; it is an intentional application of Symbolic Magic.
It is a very precise and specific use of the Art/Act of Abstraction (a potential deception).

Those who do not understand this, cannot understand that money has no value of itself.
Money is no more than a symbol (‘scrap pate; scrap metal) without any proper value.
Money operates a deception; whereby those who use it become dominated by others.
This is very well described by the story of Faustus: ‘people sell their soul to the devil’.

The Soul represents Freedom of Choice; and ‘the devil’ represents the (money) banker.
Money is a commitment to indebtedness to others; the ‘creators’ of that money.
Behind Money (and the Nation/Corporations that impose its use) lies ‘subjugation’.
Behind the laws of nations lie the laws of money; and their specific ‘obligations’.

Those who use money created by banks lose their soul and their freedom of choice.
Those who understand money, will create their own values and their own banks.
Sex, and Sexuality, is another topic that needs to be addressed.
By definition, male and female complement each other.

Both male and female, together, are able to transcend from human to humanity.
Yet in many cultures sexuality instead is used as a means for domination/subjugation.
At a deeper level the disbalance between sexes lies in denial of Freedom of Choice.
This results from a lack of respect, lack of response-ability, and lack of Reliability.

Always the ensuing problems between people, originate within people.
It is always related to a lack of understanding that/how humans (together) form humanity.
Politics is said to be the attempt to resolve individual-collective human interaction.
In many societies, politics is not based on equality, but on (attempts) for domination.

As a result, the potential of such societies are limited, because they are being stifled.
The solution requires that people ‘grow up’ in being response-able in society/humanity.
Project Paradise proposes the creation of a society, and humanity, without money.
This is not the abolition of money, but the abolition of the Faustian Contract behind money.

This requires that people establish their own value(s); and  define money on that basis.
The basis of/for this is to create a new kind of contract; based on individual value(s).
The question is: what would you do with your life is you are no longer a slave?
What would you create, on Earth, if Money does not control (your) life?

What, if people do not control your life, and you do not control other people?
How would you optimise what you do, together, as humans in humanity on Earth?
Consumerism, is the word that describes the idea of humans as “Consumers”.
A Consumers is someone who “Consumes” (another term is a “buyer” complementing (tax payer).

See this in relationship to the disease “Consumption”; known as the “Wasting Disease”.
In that sense, consumers can best be regarded as (irresponsible) Waste-Makers; a Waste Society.
The Waste Society seems to be the prevailing model that humans operate within humanity.
This is summarised in the notion “take care” (as people often say) instead of “give care”.

People create waste; instead of investing what they do not use for further use.
The alternative is to live as if everything matters, and needs to be valued in what it is.
Advertising, of which Google is an exponent, is based on ‘selling a lie’.
Good products will ‘sell themselves’; satisfied customers will ‘tell the tale’.

Only unsatisfactory products/produce require advertising, or ‘branding’; selling ‘false fame’.
Since, advertising laws have become a means to ‘profile’ every human, and their behaviour.
Patents have become a very precarious principle: the privatising the public knowledge.
Patents do not serve a public interest, but private interests – money interest, profit interest.

As a result false claim patents have been created: the claim that humans create life.
Public Patent is the quickest way to … reclaim patents that have been privatised.

Groups are composed of people who choose to do (or experience) something together.
This is not the case for people who need to join a group for reasons not of their own choosing.

Such as, for example, when governments demand payment of taxes in the form of money.
And people thereby are forced to join a group, to work in groups in order to ‘earn’ money.



Switzerland is one of the best examples of what a nation can aspire to be.
By Swiss law, all people in the nation are Sovereigns: they make their own laws.
That is much better than most nations have as yet established on this planet.
Yet the Swiss still need to become Autonomous: determine their own money.
Earth, this Reality, is a Training Ground to learn to operate Freedom of Choice.
By learning how to operate Freedom of Choice, we learn to be(come) Creator in Creation.
Therein we act in the Earth environment, which we do via our  body.
We also interact with all Life Forms (operating Freedom of Choice) via our Mind.
'U$A' is an abbreviation for the USSA.
Note the similarity to the former USSR.
Just like the USSR, the USSA is operated as a Corporation.
At the core is the 'evil broken heart', the (federal) money system ($).

As U$A is a very complex part of the Dungheap of Humanity, it is separately described.
(The same is the case for the core of the problem, worldwide: the deception of money.)
A "Virgin" is by definition 'a girl who has not conceived" (= not fertilised); thus a girl who has NOT 'had sex'
Fertilisation usually takes place by contact of the Egg of the Female with Sperm from the Male.
The Sperm of the Male is introduced/deposited in the body of the Female in 'the sex act' ("copulation").
In many societies the Sex Act is regulated via Rituals as a means  of birth control and gene pool regulation.

Fertilisation of the Egg is however NOT limited to exposure-to-and-contact-with Sperm of the Male.
[[Parthenogenesis]] is the word that describes "Self Fertilisation" of an Egg, without the presence of Sperm.
It is the process of catalysis of cell division and self-replication ('cloning') of the egg, producing a Body.
A 'prick with a platinum needle' and 'electric stimulation' have been described as "Catalysing Factors".

The ONLY outcome of Parthenogenesis is cloning: replication of a female body, from a female body.
Virgin Birth thus is possible (under very special conditions) but in humans can only lead to the birth of a Daughter.
Cloning (self-/cell-replication) is a less robust method of replication, and more prone to genetic errors and defects.
Self-fertilisation, in animals (ad humans) can be regarded as a "fall Back Procedure" (on innate plant sex trait).

''In humans, birth from a Virgin Mother can only produce a Daughter''.
Birth of a Son from a Mother will always require (artificial) insemination.
"Non-coital sex" (sex without penetration) can (rarely) lead to conception.
The Hymen ('virgin shield') will limit (but not block) sperm entry into the vagina.

The technicalities of conception in sexual reproduction are nowadays well known.
The notion of "a Virgin giving birth toe a Son" no longer has mystical/magical meaning.
The insistence that a virgin could be mother to a son no longer can have factual meaning.
If a virgin has a son, then (artificial) insemination has - by principle - taken place.
''"Welcome' to Purgatory!"''
>//Who would expected that//!
>That __you are openly and warmly welcomed to Purgatory__!
''Purgatory is the pile of unresolved problems of Humanity; of [[you|Collective Unconscious]]''.
Looked at as the undigested output of Humanity, it looks horrific.
We can also look at  it as a place for learning ... from (y)our errors.
Then, the //shit// can be turned into //manure// and become //compost//.
>This story is presented here in the forms of a [[TiddlyWiki|]].
>This puts all information in //one// document; including all links.
>__The [[Menu|MainMenu]]__, on the left, gives access to main topics of this thesis.
>__The Tags__, on the right, per topic, give access to related concepts and idea(l)s.
Project Purgatory is part of [[Project (Planting) Paradise|]].
You have found it already; you are here already. :-)
Welcome to Earth; planet of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell.
Because ... Earth is a Planet where YOU HAVE FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

!It is up to You:
*''Are you creating [[Heaven]] on Earth''?
*//Are you creating [[Hell]] on Earth//?
*__Are you learning from your [[Mistakes]]__?
*If not ... welcome to ... "[[Purgatory]]".

''THIS, HERE, IS YOUR ... //[[JOB ON THE DUNG HEAP|Job on the Dung Heap]]//''.
The question is: "//are you willing to learn from (Y)our [[Mistakes]]//?".
We all learn by Trial, and Error; but __are you learning to correct, and prevent, mistakes__?

>Thousands of life forms die off each day; because humanity kills them by neglect/denial or 'for fun/food'.
>Are you aware that your ignorance of what you do, with others, is destroying Planet Earth?

Project Purgatory gives you occasion to reflect.
Here, you can find a list of [[Topics]] that need to be addressed and resolved.
Talking about it, signing Petitions, //will not work//
The only thing that will work, is that YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
!__FOUR ESSAYS form part of this project__:
| Languaging (&) Learning | People (&) Politics | Money (&) Power | Choice (&) Vote |h
| [3D] | [2D] | [1D] | [0D|
| Humanity | Groups | Relationships | Individuals |
| Out-of-conscious | Unconscious | Subconscious | Conscious |
They help you understand four of the main problems for humans in Humanity.
The pages for these projects can be found here:
You are HERE now:

//See also//:
Purgatory is the pile of unresolved problems of Humanity; of you.
Looked at as the undigested output of humanity it looks horrific.
We can also look at  it as a place for learning from our errors.
Then, the shit can be turned into manure and become compost.

http: purgatory-money.html

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Purgatory - Topics
This section of this project addresses Unresolved Issues.
These are topics that we can, and need to, learn from (alone and together(.
They can be compared to “the Story of the Job on the Dung Heap”.
The “Law of the Garden(er)” applies:
“If you have a pile of shit, piss on it, and the manure will turn into compost,
then the undigested seeds will sprout and grow and bloom and bear fruit”.
One of the elements of Purgatory is the notion of Government.
For this topic the U$A is presented as an example.
The $ stands for SS, or ϞϞ; showing that U$A is USSA like USSR.
It will become clear that the U$A and UϞϞR were created by the same people.
The (Political/People) manipulation represented by “U$A” requires an understanding of Money.
Money is a superstition, thus a religion, based on the manipulation of (individual/collective) Belief.
Belief (or Conviction) is the consequence of the creation of decisions; by yourself, or by others.
Manipulation of belief (Religion/Mind Control) has been done for thousands of years already.
Money is not just a Superstition; it is an intentional application of Symbolic Magic.
It is a very precise and specific use of the Art/Act of Abstraction (a potential deception).
Those who do not understand this, cannot understand that money has no value of itself.
Money is no more than a symbol (‘scrap pate; scrap metal) without any proper value.
Money operates a deception; whereby those who use it become dominated by others.
This is very well described by the story of Faustus: ‘people sell their soul to the devil’.
The Soul represents Freedom of Choice; and ‘the devil’ represents the (money) banker.
Money is a commitment to indebtedness to others; the ‘creators’ of that money.
Behind Money (and the Nation/Corporations that impose its use) lies ‘subjugation’.
Behind the laws of nations lie the laws of money; and their specific ‘obligations’.
Those who use money created by banks lose their soul and their freedom of choice.
Those who understand money, will create their own values and their own banks.
Sex, and Sexuality, is another topic that needs to be addressed.
By definition, male and female complement each other.
Both male and female, together, are able to transcend from human to humanity.
Yet in many cultures sexuality instead is used as a means for domination/subjugation.
At a deeper level the disbalance between sexes lies in denial of Freedom of Choice.
This results from a lack of respect, lack of response-ability, and lack of Reliability.
Always the ensuing problems between people, originate within people.
It is always related to a lack of understanding that/how humans (together) form humanity.
Politics is said to be the attempt to resolve individual-collective human interaction.
In many societies, politics is not based on equality, but on (attempts) for domination.
As a result, the potential of such societies are limited, because they are being stifled.
The solution requires that people ‘grow up’ in being response-able in society/humanity.
Project Paradise proposes the creation of a society, and humanity, without money.
This is not the abolition of money, but the abolition of the Faustian Contract behind money.
This requires that people establish their own value(s); and  define money on that basis.
The basis of/for this is to create a new kind of contract; based on individual value(s).
The question is: what would you do with your life is you are no longer a slave?
What would you create, on Earth, if Money does not control (your) life?
What, if people do not control your life, and you do not control other people?
How would you optimise what you do, together, as humans in humanity on Earth?
Consumerism, is the word that describes the idea of humans as “Consumers”.
A Consumers is someone who “Consumes” (another term is a “buyer” complementing (tax payer).
See this in relationship to the disease “Consumption”; known as the “Wasting Disease”.
In that sense, consumers can best be regarded as (irresponsible) Waste-Makers; a Waste Society.
The Waste Society seems to be the prevailing model that humans operate within humanity.
This is summarised in the notion “take care” (as people often say) instead of “give care”.
People create waste; instead of investing what they do not use for further use.
The alternative is to live as if everything matters, and needs to be valued in what it is.
Advertising, of which Google is an exponent, is based on ‘selling a lie’.
Good products will ‘sell themselves’; satisfied customers will ‘tell the tale’.
Only unsatisfactory products/produce require advertising, or ‘branding’; selling ‘false fame’.
Since, advertising laws have become a means to ‘profile’ every human, and their behaviour.
Patents have become a very precarious principle: the privatising the public knowledge.
Patents do not serve a public interest, but private interests – money interest, profit interest.
As a result false claim patents have been created: the claim that humans create life.
Public Patent is the quickest way to … reclaim patents that have been privatised.

Groups are composed of people who choose to do (or experience) something together.
This is not the case for people who need to join a group for reasons not of their own choosing.
Such as, for example, when governments demand payment of taxes in the form of money.
And people thereby are forced to join a group, to work in groups in order to ‘earn’ money.


Switzerland is one of the best examples of what a nation can aspire to be.
By Swiss law, all people in the nation are Sovereigns: they make their own laws.
That is much better than most nations have as yet established on this planet.
Yet the Swiss still need to become Autonomous: determine their own money.